PROMETRIC Nurse Saudi Exam افضل مصادر مذاكرة امتحان التمريض في السعودية
10 Chapters
5000 Solved MCQ
For those planning to examine Prometric Nurse Saudi Exam :
• Saudi Nurse Exam SLE/SCFHS
Consisting of :
– 10 Chapters , every chapter contains 500 new MCQ for HAAD Nurse exam updated weekly.
– Do Not miss ! weekly updated questions,
– All questions are corrected by specialist doctor
– All questions are repeated ! with 70-80 % repeated questions.
– No need to study other sources !
– Enough to pass easily.
Questions Samples :
Question 1
Which action should the nurse take before performing a venipuncture to initiate continuous intravenous (IV) therapy?
1. Apply a cool compress to the affected area.
2. Inspect the IV solution and expiration date. **
3. Secure a padded armboard above the IV site.
4. Apply a tourniquet below the venipuncture site.
Question 2
The home care nurse assesses a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who is complaining of increased dyspnea. The client is on home oxygen via a concentrator at 2 L per minute, and the client’s respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute. Which action should the nurse take?
1. Determine the need to increase the oxygen.
2. Reassure the client that there is no need to worry.
3. Conduct further assessment of the client’s respiratory status. **
4. Call emergency services to take the client to the emergency department.
Question 3
A patient had a vitrectomy and is about to be transported to the post anesthesia care unit (PACU). The patient should be placed in which of the following positions before transport to the PACU?
a. Semi-fowler’s
b. Prone **
c. Dorsal recumbent
d. Sim’s
Question 4
A 59-years old patient with lung cancer and metastases to the bone is in the hospital for pain management. The patient rates the pain 10 on a scale of 0(no pain) to 10 (severe pain). The BEST goal for the nurse diagnosis of alteration is comfort is that the patient will:
a. Show no objective signs of pain
b. Not complain of pain
c. State pain is at a tolerable level
d. State that all pain is relieved **
Question 5
A patient with severe diverticulitis had surgery for placement of a colostomy. The patient is upset, crying, and will not look at the colostomy. Which of the following would be the highest priority nursing diagnosis at this time?
a. Knowledge deficit, colostomy care
b. Distorted body image **
c. Self-care deficit, toileting
d. Alteration in comfort
Question 6
A five month-old boy has been vomiting green colored vomit for ten hours. He has intermittent abdominal pain during which he draws his legs up to his chest, turns pale and cries forcefully. On observation, there is bleeding in the stool which has a jelly-like consistency. Abdominal palpation reveals a long tube-like mass. There is no fever, rash nor diarrhea. Bowel sounds are hyperactive in all quadrants.
Which is the most likely form of initial treatment?
a- Manual manipulation
b- Surgical resection
c- Barium enema **
d- Endoscopy
Question 7
A 45 year-old man who is hospitalized feels the constant need to keep things in order, particularly whilst eating. The nurse observes him arranging the food on his plate into symmetrical and equal bite-sized pieces. He constantly worries that food served could be outdated and potentially cause illness.
Which nursing diagnosis is most important?
a- Ineffective verbal communication
b- Self-esteem disturbance
c- Impaired social interaction
d- Anxiety **
Question 8
Which of the following instructions is appropriate for the nurse to give to a female client a who complains of abdominal upset after cholecystectomy operation:
a- Increase fluid intake
b- Avoid fatty meals **
c- Increase protein intake
d- Daily exercise
حسن خالد شحاتة –
Good materials
شكرا لكم
محمد مرسي –
شكرا لكم من افضل المصادر على الاطلاق
Naser Hussein –
Dr Raja –
اسيا مراد –
شكرا لكم لمساعدتي في اجتياز الامتحان
علما انها كانت المحاولة الأخيرة لي
hussam mohammed –